
Klavierstück. Allegretto grazioso in B-flat Major

Later programmed as the first in her pivotal Ten Piano Pieces 1836-1837, Fanny Hensel composed this piece in 1836.

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HenselPushers edition notes:

  • This work appears in two versions in her manuscripts. The HenselPushers edition is primarily based on the version that appears in MA Ms. 44. A variant of this piece, set as Allegro vivace is found in MA Ms. 45.

  • Aug 15, 2021: Version 1.3 uploaded. Previous edition was missing two sixteenth notes in measure 65.

  • Dec 7, 2022: Version 2.0 uploaded. Previous version had an incorrect note in measure 75. Some pedal markings have also been tweaked to be more in alignment with the autograph.

